
Our clinical risk management long-term care consultant team consists of highly skilled physicians, clinicians, attorneys, and health care administrators.

We offer extensive knowledge and hands-on expertise in long-term care clinical risk management structure, senior nursing care competency evaluation, regulatory and accreditation compliance, organizational culture enhancement, professional liability claims analysis and brokerage service, and leadership accountabilities established within the medical director contract.

TCU Risk Reduction

Transitional care is emerging as one of the most critical health issues for older adults. Transitional Care Units have a much higher level of clinical risk exposure and potential for medical malpractice claims compared to the traditional skilled care unit structure. Clinical Risk Solutions, Inc. can help your Long-Term Care organization with strategies that will mitigate the risks associated with providing a higher level acuity of care by conducting an on-site comprehensive clinical risk assessment.


An alarming increase of litigation against long-term care (LTC) facilities has been seen during the last decade, driving a need for a culture shift from a "reactive" to a "proactive" approach. Risk management challenges in long-term care differ from those in acute care. Unlike temporary hospitalization, long-term care settings generally are residents' "homes".

As LTC facilities expand the scope of services to include sub-acute and transitional care units (TCU), this has resulted in a significant increase in professional liability exposure. TCUs provide care for more acutely ill residents, requiring a higher skill level of nursing and clinical care. Clinical Risk Solutions, Inc. is eager to partner with you to identify and mitigate clinical risks and to implement strategic programs to create a resident safety-centered model of excellence, decrease medical malpractice claims, and achieve zero avoidable resident errors.

Service Opportunites

  • Achieve CMS mock survey readiness, standard interpretation

  • Provide federal and state survey corrective action assistance

  • Create innovative resident fall reduction program

  • Standardize wound care program

  • Provide nursing management education on critical thinking skills

  • Conduct medical record review and analyze staff documentation trends

  • Provide staff education to improve documentation skills

  • Develop documentation quality auditing process

  • Standardize resident adverse event response process

  • Enhance resident incident reporting, investigation, and process improvement

  • Develop structured communication/hand off process, response to deteriorating condition

  • Implement review of admission criteria and care plan updates

  • Develop bioethics program: informed consent, resident rights, end-of-life decisions

  • Integrate organizational clinical initiatives with medical staff leadership

  • Develop medical director leadership role and contract resident safety and quality accountabilities

  • Develop medical staff-bylaws, credentialing, privileging, peer review, and performance evaluation program